Chapter 1
The Life Of St. Joseph Calasanz
Saints, Martys, & Venerables
Calasanzian Family

A Difficulty In Understanding The Work Of A Genius


After four hundred years, the opportunity and insight that was necessary for the foundation of the first Religious Order dedicated completely to the tuition free education of children and youth is difficult to appreciate today.

Nevertheless, the accomplishment of Calasanz in those years following The Council Of Trent was truly the worl of a genius. Through his mediation, the Church made a breach in the secular world. He ventured well beyond the three usual fields of priestly ministry: choir, pulpit, the confessional. And while they were very important responsibilities, they were not enough.

It was necessary for the post-Tridentine Church to establish an institution that would affect all people. And the institution that would imprint on the minds and hearts of men and women and indelible Christian seal was the compulsory, tuition fee and public school.

And history agrees with Calasanz. Today, the society appreciates such schools, and almost every government, political party, and opposition group tries to embrace them.

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