you ever thought of putting some meaning into
your LIFE
We would like to welcome you in our family
providing that you have the willingness to follow Christ in the path of Saint Joseph Calasanz through education of children
and youth, community life and, eventually, priestly ministry.
We are a community of Fathers and Brothers dedicated to Christ
following our motto of Piety and Learning.
St. Joseph Calasanz founded in Rome his Pious Schools for poor children and youth in 1597. It was the first public, popular and free school in Europe; wrote the famous
German historian Ludwing Von Pastor in his History of the Popes.
We are called Fathers
of the Pious Schools. From Pious originates Piarist, and from Schools and
Pious, Escolapios, in Spanish. Our identity is Sch.P. (Scholarum Piarum, in Latin
or Pious Schools
in English). For the Piarist Fathers and Brothers, devotion to the Mother of God is one of the characteristics of their own
charism. Calasanz composed the beautiful prayer of the Crown of the Twelve Stars
in her honor.
For Calasanz, The child is the Father of the Man, in his Christian
life: "If Children from their earliest years are instructed diligently in piety and learning it must undoubtedly be expected
that their whole life will be a happy one."
Giving the greatest importance to education, Calasanz wrote:
The teaching profession is truly a most deserving ministry, most noble, most meritorious, beneficial, most useful, most
needed, most natural, reasonable and gratifying, a most attractive and glorious one! >>> Brief History of the Order
If You are intersted in our way of life, spirituality
and charism, you may freely contact the Vocation Director for more information and guidance. You may contact
us through these Addresses:
Japan Vocation Director:
Esukorapiosu Shudoin, 1-8-26 Oiwake,
Yokkaichi-Shi, Mei-Ken - 510-0882 - Japan
Tel. No. +81-593-451-222;
For Philippines and Other Countries
Calasanz Formation House
1401 Andres Abellana Extension,
Guadalupe, CEBU CITY 6000 - Philippines
Tel. (Fax) +63-32-254-2085;
Lord Jesus, You looked at the young man with love and
You saw him refusing Your call going away for he had many possessions.
Inspire today many young and generous hearts
to follow your call through, in the path of SAINT JOSEPH CALASANZ. And help them to become expert, unselfish and persevering
catechist and teachers in the Faith.
Thus, Lord, show up Your mercy
to so many children and youngsters who otherwise will never be nourished with the bread of PIETY.
Through the care of the Saint,
a heavenly protector of Children, strengthen the youngsters in need, we commend to you, O Lord. Who live and reign for
ever and ever. Amen.
This is an Unofficial Website of
the PIARIST FATHERS IN ASIA, Japan-Philippines Vice-Province. The Piarist Fathers in any way is not subject to any liability
for whatever account appears on this site. © 2004 nelcabz